As I get feedback from those interested in running the pet store, I will improve the installation. For now, here are some notes to point you in the right direction.
See KnownPlatforms to learn about different places I've run the SchemePetStore.
Prep work
- Grab the latest siscweb distribution from
- Grab the source code for the pet store from the DownloadSource page
- Grap the postgresql JDBC driver from
- Setup the Tomcat server container
- Make sure that both Tomcat and the siscweb demos work
- Unpack the pet store source code. I moved the scheme_pet_store directory to $TOMCAT_ROOT/webapps/sps. Let's call this $SPS_ROOT
The Database
- Get a version of postgresql running
- Edit the Makefile in the $SPS_ROOT/db directory
- With your postgresql server running, type make create-db and then make load-db. Cross fingers. Find errors, mail them to BenSimon
- You should review the .sql files in this directory, and confirm that the database was indeed populated with sample data
The Web Application
- Edit $SPS_ROOT/sps.xml file, making sure the correct database connection info is in there
- Copy $SPS_ROOT/sps.xml to $TOMCAT_ROOT/conf/Catalina/localhost/sps.xml
- Edit $SPS_ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml so that it has your correct server host name present
- Copy sisc-heap.jar, sisc-lib.jar, sisc-opt.jar, sisc.jar and siscweb.jar into $SPS_ROOT/WEB-INF/lib from the siscweb distribution
- Copy the JDBC jar file into $TOMCAT_ROOT/common/lib/
- Start up tomcat
- Visit http://your-server/sps/do/store to see the store application
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